computers smile



My Retarded New Song


What’s your favorite color,what’s your favorite color,what’s your favorite color.FIN.

Ultumite Shooting Game

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When I got the game it was exiting,when I had the game it was exiting,when I played Halo it exiting.O.K.

bumbutt test

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1.go to wrong classroom2.try to eat your own arm3.suck your thumb and go to the right classroom

Bumbutt Kas


At school 1 day I was going to my speech class and I went to the wrong room.There where three names for me at that time:a nutbutt,a dumbutt,and a bumbutt but mostly a bumbutt.

new year ,new catastraphes.

1 Comment

You know the b-day saying:1year older and wiser too,but for me it’s:3 in. bigger and weirder too,so don’t make me crazy!

Wii the people…of Nintendo!


For the Christmas of 2oo7 my family and I got a Nintendo Wii. My 2 video games for the Wii are Super Paper Mario and Mario And Sonic At The Olympic Games. I don’t know about you, but I think the Wii is FUN!

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